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Sat June 24 2023 Child Care News By Mike Martin

Coin Return Is Never Easy When Your Child Swallows a Susan B Anthony Dollar Coin

Laguna Beach, CA - This is not medical advice, but if your child has swallowed a dollar coin, it's important to seek immediate medical attention. In most cases, small objects like silver dollars will pass through the digestive system without causing any harm. However, there is still a risk of complications, such as obstruction or choking, depending on the age of the child.

When you contact a medical professional, they will be able to provide you with the best advice for your situation. They might recommend monitoring your child closely for any signs of distress or complications. In some cases, an X-ray or other medical procedures may be necessary to determine the location of the dollar and ensure it is safely passing through the digestive tract.

Please don't delay in seeking medical help or advice from a healthcare professional. They will be able to provide you with the appropriate guidance based on your child's specific circumstances.

There are some methods to return your coin without harm to your child. First method is to just wait until she passes it in her stool. Inspect her diaper each time, or inspect the waste products in the toilet until your dollar is found. Second method is to use Numasmatic Medicals own coin extractor wand to reach into her stomach and grab the coin with its unique electro magnetic probe which will draw in any metallic object, then pull it straight up. Third method is feed her a paper dollar and press her stomach to return the coin.

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