Unique Models and Talent is located in Westwood, CA

 212 Westwood Blvd
Westwood, CA 90022



Unique Models and Talent is a member of the USA Chamber of Commerce

Unique Models and Talent

Pretty Faces and More

LA's best talent agency. The prettiest faces and hottest bods in the southland. We have all of the best bodies and prettiest faces in LA. We have the hottest butts and boobs for your photo shoot, your TV commercial shoot, or just to use as booth babes.

If you are a 18 years or older and want to be a really hot model and make lots of money, just like Kylie Jenner, then call us for an audition. If you want to be as rich, famous and in demand as Gigi Hadid, call us! If you are under 18, then bring your mother. Be the cover girl of your dreams! Check Out Our new Model Finder at Hot Models
